
VB - ASP.Net Gridview to Excel

Veröffentlicht von am 4/6/2009
(2 Bewertungen)
Gibt ein beliebiges Gridview als Excelfile aus.
 Sub GridView2CSV(ByVal myGridview As GridView, ByVal File As String)

        ''// Get the Columns of the Gridview

        Dim ColumnsCount As Integer = myGridview.Columns.Count - 1

        ''// Get and Write the HeaderNames

        Dim HeaderNames As String = Nothing

        For i = 0 To ColumnsCount

            HeaderNames += myGridview.Columns(i).HeaderText & ";"


        CW(HeaderNames, File)

        ''// Get the Rows Content

        Dim RowValue As String = Nothing

        For Each myRow As GridViewRow In myGridview.Rows

            For i = 0 To ColumnsCount

                RowValue += myRow.Cells(i).Text & ";"


            CW(RowValue, File)

            RowValue = Nothing


    End Sub

    Sub CW(ByVal Text, ByVal FileName)

        Dim myFileWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FileName, True)



    End Sub

End Class

Abgelegt unter GridView, Excel, CSV, ASP.Net, VB.Net.

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