
C# - XMLIO - einfachstes (De)serialisieren von/zu XML-Dateien

Veröffentlicht von am 11/17/2009
(1 Bewertungen)
Das Jonglieren mit XElements ist nicht nur nervtötend umständlich, sondern auch statisch. XmlSerializer hat auch so seine Tücken. Mit XMLIO wird das Speichern und Laden von Daten in XML Dateien zum Kinderspiel. Ein kleines Demo findet ihr im XML-Kommentar zur Klasse. Eine ausführliche Anleitung mit weiteren Beispielen gibt es als PDF-Dokument (englisch) hier (XMLIO ist Bestandteil meines DotNetExpansions Framework): Release Nummer)/

Weitere Informationen zum DotNetExpansions Framework gibt es hier:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace DotNetExpansions.IO
   /// <summary>
   /// Vereinfacht das Laden, Validieren und Speichern von XML-Dateien.
   /// </summary>
   /// <remarks>
   /// The first example uses a simple business object.
   /// The second example uses a complex business object with nested object.
   /// The third example shows the use of XmlIo with a dictionary
   ///  which holds values of different types.
   ///  Note: The use of such a configuration technique is not recommended
   ///  but XmlIo is able to handle even that.
   /// The fourth example shows the usage of XSD validation with the same simple business object
   ///  from the first sample.
   /// </remarks>
   /// <example>
   /// This demo shows the use of XmlIo with a very simple business object.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// namespace SimpleConfigDemo
   /// {
   ///    public class SimpleConfig
   ///    {
   ///       public byte Dimensions { get; set; }
   ///       public int HyperspaceEntrySection { get; set; }
   ///       public string NanobotsEmitterName { get; set; }
   ///       public string PicobotControllerIP { get; set; }
   ///       public float WarpFactor { get; set; }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// using System;
   /// using System.Windows.Forms;
   /// using DotNetExpansions;
   /// namespace SimpleConfigDemo
   /// {
   ///    class Program
   ///    {
   ///       static void Main()
   ///       {
   ///          var configManager = new XmlIo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "DemoConfig.xml"));
   ///          SimpleConfig config = CreateConfig();
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Saving Configuration...");
   ///          configManager.Save(config);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Press any key to load the configuration."
   ///                            + Environment.NewLine);
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///          // Destroy the previously instantiated data transfer object for demonstration purposes.
   ///          config = null;
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Now loading the configuration..."
   ///                            + Environment.NewLine);
   ///          config = configManager.Load<SimpleConfig>();
   ///          ShowConfig(config);
   ///          // Verhindert das selbsttätige Schließen des Konsolenfensters.
   ///          Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to terminate the program.");
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///       }
   ///       private static SimpleConfig CreateConfig()
   ///       {
   ///          var config = new SimpleConfig();
   ///          config.Dimensions = 7;
   ///          config.HyperspaceEntrySection = 1;
   ///          config.NanobotsEmitterName = "MyNanobotsEmitter";
   ///          config.PicobotControllerIP = "";
   ///          config.WarpFactor = 10.0f;
   ///          return config;
   ///       }
   ///       private static void ShowConfig(SimpleConfig config)
   ///       {
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Nanobots EmitterName: {0}", config.NanobotsEmitterName);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Picobot Controller IP: {0}", config.PicobotControllerIP);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Dimensions: {0}", config.Dimensions);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Hyperspace Entry Section: {0}", config.HyperspaceEntrySection);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Warp Factor: {0}", config.WarpFactor);
   ///       }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// /* Output:
   /// Saving Configuration...
   /// Press any key to load the configuration.
   /// Now loading the configuration...
   /// Nanobots EmitterName: MyNanobotsEmitter
   /// Picobot Controller IP:
   /// Dimensions: 7
   /// Hyperspace Entry Section: 1
   /// Warp Factor: 10
   /// Press any key to terminate the program.
   /// */
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// This demo generates te following XML file.
   /// <example>
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// <SimpleConfig xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
   ///    <Dimensions>7</Dimensions>
   ///    <HyperspaceEntrySection>1</HyperspaceEntrySection>
   ///    <NanobotsEmitterName>MyNanobotsEmitter</NanobotsEmitterName>
   ///    <PicobotControllerIP></PicobotControllerIP>
   ///    <WarpFactor>10</WarpFactor>
   /// </SimpleConfig>
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This demo shows the use of XmlIo with a complex business object which contains nested objects.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// using System.Drawing;
   /// namespace NestedConfigDemo
   /// {
   ///    public class NestedConfig
   ///    {
   ///       public string MachineName { get; set; }
   ///       public UiConfig UiSettings { get; set; }
   ///       public UserConfig UserSettings { get; set; }
   ///       public DalConfig DalSettings { get; set; }
   ///       public class UiConfig
   ///       {
   ///          public Size WindowSize { get; set; }
   ///          public Point WindowLocation { get; set; }
   ///          public Color BackgroundColor { get; set; }
   ///          public Color TextColor { get; set; }
   ///       }
   ///       public class UserConfig
   ///       {
   ///          public string FirstName { get; set; }
   ///          public string LastName { get; set; }
   ///          public string Email { get; set; }
   ///       }
   ///       public class DalConfig
   ///       {
   ///          public string ConnectionString { get; set; }
   ///       }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// using DotNetExpansions;
   /// namespace NestedConfigDemo
   /// {
   ///    using System;
   ///    using System.Drawing;
   ///    using System.Windows.Forms;
   ///    class Program
   ///    {
   ///       static void Main()
   ///       {
   ///          var configManager =
   ///          new XmlIo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "DemoConfig.xml");
   ///          NestedConfig config = CreateConfig();
   ///          configManager.Save(config);
   ///          config = null;
   ///          try
   ///          {
   ///             config = configManager.Load<NestedConfig>();
   ///             ShowConfig(config);
   ///          }
   ///          catch(InvalidOperationException problem)
   ///          {
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Message);
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Data);
   ///          }
   ///          // Verhindert das selbsttätige Schließen des Konsolenfensters.
   ///          Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to terminate the program.");
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///       }
   ///       private static NestedConfig CreateConfig()
   ///       {
   ///          var config = new NestedConfig();
   ///          config.DalSettings = new NestedConfig.DalConfig
   ///          {
   ///             ConnectionString = "Some Connection string"
   ///          };
   ///          config.MachineName = "MyComputer";
   ///          config.UiSettings = new NestedConfig.UiConfig
   ///          {
   ///             BackgroundColor = Color.White,
   ///             TextColor = Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 255),
   ///             WindowLocation = new Point(200, 100),
   ///             WindowSize = new Size(640, 480)
   ///          };
   ///          config.UserSettings = new NestedConfig.UserConfig
   ///          {
   ///             Email = "",
   ///             FirstName = "Santa",
   ///             LastName = "Claus"
   ///          };
   ///          return config;
   ///       }
   ///       private static void ShowConfig(NestedConfig config)
   ///       {
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Connection string: {0}", config.DalSettings.ConnectionString);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Machine name: {0}", config.MachineName);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Background color: {0}", config.UiSettings.BackgroundColor);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Text color: {0}", config.UiSettings.TextColor);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Window location: {0}", config.UiSettings.WindowLocation);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Window size: {0}", config.UiSettings.WindowSize);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("First name: {0}", config.UserSettings.FirstName);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Last name: {0}", config.UserSettings.LastName);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Email address: {0}", config.UserSettings.Email);
   ///       }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// /* Output
   /// Connection string: Some Connection string
   /// Machine name: MyComputer
   /// Background color: Color [White]
   /// Text color: Color [A=255, R=128, G=0, B=255]
   /// Window location: {X=200,Y=100}
   /// Window size: {Width=640, Height=480}
   /// First name: Santa
   /// Last name: Claus
   /// Email address:
   /// Press any key to terminate the program.
   /// */
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This demo creates the following XML file.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// <NestedConfig xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
   ///   <DalSettings>
   ///     <ConnectionString>Some Connection string</ConnectionString>
   ///   </DalSettings>
   ///   <MachineName>MyComputer</MachineName>
   ///   <UiSettings>
   ///     <BackgroundColor xmlns:d3p1="">
   ///       <d3p1:knownColor>164</d3p1:knownColor>
   ///       <d3p1:name i:nil="true" />
   ///       <d3p1:state>1</d3p1:state>
   ///       <d3p1:value>0</d3p1:value>
   ///     </BackgroundColor>
   ///     <TextColor xmlns:d3p1="">
   ///       <d3p1:knownColor>0</d3p1:knownColor>
   ///       <d3p1:name i:nil="true" />
   ///       <d3p1:state>2</d3p1:state>
   ///       <d3p1:value>4286578943</d3p1:value>
   ///     </TextColor>
   ///     <WindowLocation xmlns:d3p1="">
   ///       <d3p1:x>200</d3p1:x>
   ///       <d3p1:y>100</d3p1:y>
   ///     </WindowLocation>
   ///     <WindowSize xmlns:d3p1="">
   ///       <d3p1:height>480</d3p1:height>
   ///       <d3p1:width>640</d3p1:width>
   ///     </WindowSize>
   ///   </UiSettings>
   ///   <UserSettings>
   ///     <Email></Email>
   ///     <FirstName>Santa</FirstName>
   ///     <LastName>Claus</LastName>
   ///   </UserSettings>
   /// </NestedConfig>
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This demo shows the use of XmlIo with a dictionary which holds values of different types. Note: The use of such a configuration technique is not recommended but XmlIo is able to handle even that.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// // In case someone uses this kind of configuration storage (which is not recommended).
   /// using System.Collections.Generic;
   /// using System.Drawing;
   /// using System.Runtime.Serialization;
   /// namespace ConfigListDemo
   /// {
   ///    [KnownType(typeof(Point))]
   ///    [KnownType(typeof(Size))]
   ///    [KnownType(typeof(Color))]
   ///    public class ConfigDictionary
   ///    {
   ///       public ConfigDictionary()
   ///       {
   ///          if(Configuration == null)
   ///             Configuration = new Dictionary<string, object>();
   ///       }
   ///       public Dictionary<string, object> Configuration { get; set; }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// using System;
   /// using System.Drawing;
   /// using System.Windows.Forms;
   /// using DotNetExpansions;
   /// namespace ConfigListDemo
   /// {
   ///    class Program
   ///    {
   ///       static void Main()
   ///       {
   ///          var yourConfig = CreateConfig();
   ///          var xmlIo = new XmlIo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "YourConfig.xml");
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Saving configuration");
   ///          xmlIo.Save(yourConfig);
   ///          yourConfig = null;
   ///          try
   ///          {
   ///             Console.WriteLine("Trying to load your config data...");
   ///             yourConfig = xmlIo.Load<ConfigDictionary>();
   ///             ShowConfig(yourConfig);
   ///          }
   ///          catch(InvalidOperationException problem)
   ///          {
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Message);
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Data);
   ///          }
   ///          // Verhindert das selbsttätige Schließen des Konsolenfensters.
   ///          Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to terminate the program.");
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///       }
   ///       private static ConfigDictionary CreateConfig()
   ///       {
   ///          var config = new ConfigDictionary();
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("Integer", 1);
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("Double", 3.141592654);
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("String", "Hello world");
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("Point", new Point(100, 200));
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("Size", new Size(1024, 768));
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("RGB-color", Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 255));
   ///          config.Configuration.Add("named color", Color.Fuchsia);
   ///          return config;
   ///       }
   ///       private static void ShowConfig(ConfigDictionary configDictionary)
   ///       {
   ///          foreach(var keyValuePair in configDictionary.Configuration)
   ///          {
   ///             Console.WriteLine("Your {0}: {1}", keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
   ///          }
   ///       }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// /* Output:
   /// Saving configuration
   /// Trying to load your config data...
   /// Your Integer: 1
   /// Your Double: 3,141592654
   /// Your String: Hello world
   /// Your Point: {X=100,Y=200}
   /// Your Size: {Width=1024, Height=768}
   /// Your RGB-color: Color [A=255, R=128, G=0, B=255]
   /// Your named color: Color [Fuchsia]
   /// Press any key to terminate the program.
   /// */
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This demo creates the following XML file.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// <ConfigDictionary xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
   ///   <Configuration xmlns:d2p1="">
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>Integer</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:int">1</d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>Double</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:double">3.141592654</d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>String</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:string">Hello world</d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>Point</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:Point">
   ///         <d4p1:x>100</d4p1:x>
   ///         <d4p1:y>200</d4p1:y>
   ///       </d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>Size</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:Size">
   ///         <d4p1:height>768</d4p1:height>
   ///         <d4p1:width>1024</d4p1:width>
   ///       </d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>RGB-color</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:Color">
   ///         <d4p1:knownColor>0</d4p1:knownColor>
   ///         <d4p1:name i:nil="true" />
   ///         <d4p1:state>2</d4p1:state>
   ///         <d4p1:value>4286578943</d4p1:value>
   ///       </d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///     <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///       <d2p1:Key>named color</d2p1:Key>
   ///       <d2p1:Value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:Color">
   ///         <d4p1:knownColor>73</d4p1:knownColor>
   ///         <d4p1:name i:nil="true" />
   ///         <d4p1:state>1</d4p1:state>
   ///         <d4p1:value>0</d4p1:value>
   ///       </d2p1:Value>
   ///     </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringanyType>
   ///   </Configuration>
   /// </ConfigDictionary>
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This last example shows the usage of the XSD validation with the same simple business object from the first sample.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// using System;
   /// using System.Windows.Forms;
   /// using DotNetExpansions;
   /// namespace SchemaValidationDemo
   /// {
   ///    class Program
   ///    {
   ///       static void Main()
   ///       {
   ///          var configManager =
   ///             new XmlIo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "DemoConfig.xml");
   ///          var config = new SimpleConfig();
   ///          config.Dimensions = 7;
   ///          config.HyperspaceEntrySection = 1;
   ///          config.NanobotsEmitterName = "MyNanobotsEmitter";
   ///          config.PicobotControllerIP = "";
   ///          config.WarpFactor = 3.141592654;
   ///          // Save config =========================================================
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Saving Configuration...");
   ///          configManager.Save(config);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Press any key to validate the configuration."
   ///                            + Environment.NewLine);
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///          // Validaion ===========================================================
   ///          configManager.ValidationEvent += ConfigManagerValidationEvent;
   ///          ValidateConfig(configManager);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Press any key to load the configuration."
   ///                         + Environment.NewLine);
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///          // Load config =========================================================
   ///          // Destroy the previously instantiated data transfer object for demonstration purposes.
   ///          config = null;
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Now loading the configuration..."
   ///                            + Environment.NewLine);
   ///          try
   ///          {
   ///             config = configManager.Load<SimpleConfig>();
   ///             ShowConfig(config);
   ///          }
   ///          catch(InvalidOperationException problem)
   ///          {
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Message);
   ///             Console.WriteLine(problem.Data);
   ///          }
   ///          // Verhindert das selbsttätige Schließen des Konsolenfensters.
   ///          Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to terminate the program.");
   ///          Console.ReadKey();
   ///       }
   ///       private static void ValidateConfig(XmlIo configManager)
   ///       {
   ///          bool isValid = configManager.FileIsValidWith("DemoConfig.xsd");
   ///          if(isValid)
   ///             Console.WriteLine("XML-File is valid.");
   ///          else
   ///             Console.WriteLine("XML-File is invalid.");
   ///          return;
   ///       }
   ///       static void ConfigManagerValidationEvent(object sender, System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs e)
   ///       {
   ///          Console.WriteLine(e.Severity + ": " + e.Message);
   ///       }
   ///       private static void ShowConfig(SimpleConfig config)
   ///       {
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Nanobots EmitterName: {0}", config.NanobotsEmitterName);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Picobot Controller IP: {0}", config.PicobotControllerIP);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Dimensions: {0}", config.Dimensions);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Hyperspace Entry Section: {0}", config.HyperspaceEntrySection);
   ///          Console.WriteLine("Warp Factor: {0}", config.WarpFactor);
   ///       }
   ///    }
   /// }
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <example>
   /// This is the XSD file content for validation.
   /// <code>
   /// <![CDATA[
   /// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   /// <xs:schema xmlns:i="" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">
   ///    <xs:element name="SimpleConfig">
   ///       <xs:complexType>
   ///          <xs:sequence>
   ///             <xs:element name="Dimensions" type="xs:unsignedByte" />
   ///             <xs:element name="HyperspaceEntrySection" type="xs:unsignedInt" />
   ///             <xs:element name="NanobotsEmitterName" type="xs:string" />
   ///             <xs:element name="PicobotControllerIP" type="xs:string" />
   ///             <xs:element name="WarpFactor" type="xs:double" />
   ///          </xs:sequence>
   ///       </xs:complexType>
   ///    </xs:element>
   /// </xs:schema>
   /// ]]>
   /// </code>
   /// </example>
   /// <seealso cref=""/>
   /// <seealso cref=""/>
   public class XmlIo
      #region Fields

      private static bool fileIsValid = true;
      private string fullFilename;

      #endregion Fields
      #region Events

      /// <summary>
      /// Tritt bei einem Validationsfehler ein.
      /// </summary>
      public event ValidationEventHandler ValidationEvent;

      #endregion Events
      #region Constructors

      /// <summary>
      /// Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der <see cref="XmlIo"/> Klasse.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="fullFilename">Der voll qualifizierte Dateiname (Pfad mit Dateiname und Extension)</param>
      public XmlIo(string fullFilename)
            this.fullFilename = fullFilename;
            throw new ArgumentException("fullFilename is invalid");

      /// <summary>
      /// Initialisiert eine neue Instanz der <see cref="XmlIo"/> Klasse.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="filepath">Der Dateipfad, unter dem die XML-Datei abgelegt werden soll.</param>
      /// <param name="filename">Der Name der XML-Datei inklusive Extension.</param>
      [Obsolete("Dieser Konstruktor existiert nur noch für die Abwärtskompatibilität.", false)]
      public XmlIo(string filepath, string filename)
         Filepath = ValidateFilepath(filepath);
         Filename = ValidateFilename(filename);
         fullFilename = Path.Combine(filepath, filename);

      #endregion Constructors
      #region Properties

      /// <summary>
      /// Gibt den Pfad zur XML-Datei zurück.
      /// </summary>
      public string Filepath { get; private set; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Gibt den Namen der XML-Datei zurück.
      /// </summary>
      public string Filename { get; private set; }

      #region Public Methods

      /// <summary>
      /// Lädt eine XML-Datei für ein beliebiges business object.
      /// </summary>
      /// <typeparam name="T">Der Typ des Business-Objekts.</typeparam>
      /// <returns>Das Business-Objekt</returns>
      public T Load<T>() where T : class
         var filePermissions = new FileIOPermission(
            FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, fullFilename);

         var fs = new FileStream(fullFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
         var reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(fs, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());
         var ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T));
         var config = ser.ReadObject(reader);
         return config as T;

      /// <summary>
      /// Speichert eine XML-Datei für ein beliebiges Business Object.
      /// </summary>
      /// <typeparam name="T">Der Typ des Business Objects (die Angabe ist optional).</typeparam>
      /// <param name="businessObject">Das Business Object</param>
      public void Save<T>(T businessObject) where T : class
         var filePermissions = new FileIOPermission(
            FileIOPermissionAccess.Write, fullFilename);

         var writer = new XmlTextWriter(fullFilename, Encoding.UTF8);
         if(writer == null)
            throw new NullReferenceException();
         writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
         var ser = new DataContractSerializer(businessObject.GetType());
         ser.WriteObject(writer, businessObject);

      /// <summary>
      /// Validiert eine XML-Datei mittels der angegebenen XSD-Datei.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="validationSchemaFilename">Die XSD-Datei</param>
      /// <returns><c>true</c> wenn die XML-Datei gültig ist, anderenfalls <c>false</c>.</returns>
      public bool FileIsValidWith(string validationSchemaFilename)
         var filePermissions = new FileIOPermission(
            FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, fullFilename);

         var xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            null, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilename), validationSchemaFilename));
         xmlReaderSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
         xmlReaderSettings.ValidationEventHandler += XmlValidationEventHandler;
         var config = XmlReader.Create(fullFilename, xmlReaderSettings);
         while(config.Read()) { }
         xmlReaderSettings.CloseInput = true;
         return fileIsValid;

      #endregion Public Methods
      #region Private Methods

      private static bool IsValidFullFilename(string fullFilename)
         return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullFilename) && Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilename));

      private string ValidateFilename(string filename)
            throw new ArgumentException();
            throw new ArgumentException("Filename-extension is either missing or wrong. It must be .xml");
         this.Filename = filename;
         return filename;

      private string ValidateFilepath(string filepath)
            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException();
            filepath = filepath.Substring(0, filepath.Length - 1);
         this.Filepath = filepath;
         return filepath;

      private static bool IsValidEntry(string entry)
         return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry);

      private static bool IsValidPath(string path)
         return Directory.Exists(path);

      // Bubbling up the Event.
      private void XmlValidationEventHandler(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
         fileIsValid = false;
         if(ValidationEvent != null)
            ValidationEvent(this, e);

      #endregion Private Methods
Abgelegt unter XML.

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