
C# - Generic Array Remove Method

Veröffentlicht von am 11/11/2015
(0 Bewertungen)
You can paste this Snippet in every generic Class to remove fields in Arrays.
The method returns a bool, to check if removing was successfull(true) or not(false).

Here is some sample data for the use
// Sample Data for a String Array
string[] s = new String[4];
s[0] = "Hallo";
s[1] = "Leute";
s[2] = "von";
s[3] = ".Net Snippets";
// Please note to add your ArrayClass (<String> in Example) before you call the Remove() Method
bool result = Snippets<string>.Remove(s, "von");

// If you need to delete the unused last field of the array
Array.Resize(ref s, s.Length - 1);

// Another Exmaple for an array of INT
int[] num = new int[5];
num[0] = 1;
num[1] = 2;
num[2] = 3;
num[3] = 4;
num[4] = 5;

result = Snippets<int>.Remove(num, 1);
// You need to have a generic Class, to make Remove() working or use this Snippet Class
    class Snippets<T>
        // You can paste this Snippet in every generic Class to remove fields in Arrays
        public static bool Remove(T[] array, T data)
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                if (array[i].Equals(data))
                {// The array is shifted one field to the left.
                    Array.Copy(array, i + 1, array, i, array.Length - (i + 1));
                    // through shifting, the last field has still the old value. Set it to the array default value
                    array[array.Length - 1] = default(T);
                    return true;
            return false;
Abgelegt unter Remove, Array, Generic.

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