
C# - Römische Zahlen / Roman Numerals

Veröffentlicht von am 10/8/2012
(1 Bewertungen)
Dieser Code überprüft die Eingabe auf syntaktische Korrektheit der römischen Zahl und konvertiert sie dann in eine Dezimalzahl

This code checks the input for formal correctnes of the roman number and the converts it into a decimal number
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace RomanNumerals
    public static class Program
        public static void Main()
                Dictionary<Char, UInt16> romanNumerals;
                String input;
                List<UInt16> numbers;
                UInt16 highestNumber;
                String highestNumeral;
                UInt16 result;
                UInt16 dCount;
                UInt16 cCount;
                UInt16 lCount;
                UInt16 xCount;
                UInt16 vCount;
                UInt16 iCount;

                romanNumerals = new Dictionary<Char, UInt16>(7);
                romanNumerals.Add('I', 1);
                romanNumerals.Add('V', 5);
                romanNumerals.Add('X', 10);
                romanNumerals.Add('L', 50);
                romanNumerals.Add('C', 100);
                romanNumerals.Add('D', 500);
                romanNumerals.Add('M', 1000);
                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a roman numeral and press <Enter>");
                input = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();
                numbers = new List<UInt16>(input.Length);
                #region Input Checking

                //The following code check against the following rules:

                //The numbers have to be steady or descending
                //You can substract C only from M and D
                //You can substract X only from C and L
                //You can substract I only from X and V
                //D, L and V can only appear once
                //C, X and I can only appear thrice in a row

                highestNumber = 1000;
                highestNumeral = "M";
                dCount = 0;
                cCount = 0;
                lCount = 0;
                xCount = 0;
                vCount = 0;
                iCount = 0;
                foreach(Char letter in input)
                    UInt16 number;

                    if(romanNumerals.TryGetValue(letter, out number) == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a roman number", letter);
                for(Int32 i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++)
                    if(i < numbers.Count - 1)
                        if(numbers[i] < numbers[i + 1])
                            UInt16 substraction;

                            if(numbers[i] == 1)
                                if((numbers[i + 1] != 5) && (numbers[i + 1] != 10))
                                    Console.WriteLine("You can substract 'I' only from 'V' or 'X'");
                            else if(numbers[i] == 10)
                                if((numbers[i + 1] != 50) && (numbers[i + 1] != 100))
                                    Console.WriteLine("You can substract 'X' only from 'L' or 'C'");
                            else if(numbers[i] == 100)
                                if((numbers[i + 1] != 500) && (numbers[i + 1] != 1000))
                                    Console.WriteLine("You can substract 'C' only from 'D' or 'M'");
                                Console.WriteLine("You cannot substract '{0}' from '{1}'", input[i], input[i + 1]);
                            substraction = (UInt16)(numbers[i + 1] - numbers[i]);
                            if(substraction > highestNumber)
                                Console.WriteLine("You cannot have '{0}' following '{1}'", input[i].ToString() + input[i + 1].ToString(), highestNumeral);
                                highestNumeral = input[i].ToString() + input[i + 1].ToString();
                                if(substraction == highestNumber)
                                    Console.WriteLine("You cannot have '{0}' following '{0}'", highestNumeral);
                                highestNumber = (UInt16)(numbers[i] - 1);
                                if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, i, ref dCount, ref cCount, ref lCount, ref xCount, ref vCount, ref iCount, true))
                    if(numbers[i] > highestNumber)
                        Console.WriteLine("You cannot have '{0}' following '{1}'", input[i], highestNumeral);
                        if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, i, ref dCount, ref cCount, ref lCount, ref xCount, ref vCount, ref iCount, false))
                        highestNumber = numbers[i];
                        highestNumeral = input[i].ToString();
                #region Calculation
                result = 0;
                for(Int32 i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++)
                    if(i == numbers.Count - 1)
                        result += numbers[i];
                        if(numbers[i] < numbers[i + 1])
                            UInt16 substraction;

                            substraction = (UInt16)(numbers[i + 1] - numbers[i]);
                            result += substraction;
                            result += numbers[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", result);
            catch(Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit");

        #region Input Checking
        private static Boolean DetermineMaxSequentials(String input
            , List<UInt16> numbers
            , Int32 index
            , ref UInt16 dCount
            , ref UInt16 cCount
            , ref UInt16 lCount
            , ref UInt16 xCount
            , ref UInt16 vCount
            , ref UInt16 iCount
            , Boolean isSubstraction)
            Boolean abort;
            UInt16 maxOne;
            UInt16 maxThree;

            maxOne = 1;
                maxThree = 4;
                maxThree = 3;
            if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref dCount, maxOne, 500, "one", out abort) == false)
                if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref cCount, maxThree, 100, "three", out abort) == false)
                    if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref lCount, maxOne, 50, "one", out abort) == false)
                        if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref xCount, maxThree, 10, "three", out abort) == false)
                            if(DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref vCount, maxOne, 5, "one", out abort) == false)
                                DetermineMaxSequentials(input, numbers, index, ref iCount, maxThree, 1, "three", out abort);
            return (abort);

        private static Boolean DetermineMaxSequentials(String input
            , List<UInt16> numbers
            , Int32 index
            , ref UInt16 count
            , UInt16 maxCount
            , UInt16 value
            , String numberWord
            , out Boolean abort)
            abort = false;
            if(numbers[index] == value)
                if(count > maxCount)
                    Console.WriteLine("You cannot have more than {0} '{1}'", numberWord, input[index]);
                    abort = true;
                return (true);
            return (false);

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